meditation trainer "advanced"

qualification for certification

II. Consolidation of Meditation

The seal of the the Timeless Impact Academy stands for trainers who are experienced in meditation. Due to regular practice they are able to meet peoples needs and to train them skillfully. More freedom, confidence, stability and compassion thus arrises in peoples minds and they become able to live their lives even more powerfully, meaningfully and unperturbedly.  

As this is a great responsibility we only want to give the seal of the Timeless Impact Academy after being convinced that students have achieved  the necessary competence. The requirement is to be able to use ones own experience in meditation skillfully to teach meditation skillfully in different professional settings in a good quality.

In order to give trainees the chance to qualify step by step towards the certification, we developed the advanced level. 

This part of our training is no standard program, but rather helps the participant to find ways to mature his meditation practice.

  • consolidation of meditation practice
  • enhancing our scope of thinking and acting
  • competence to use ones experience in meditation coherently
  • competence of implementing according to different targetgroups
  • 4 x 2 days course “advanced level”
  • 24 days of retreat within two years.
  • Umgang mit Emotionen
  • Erlernen von verschieden philosophischen Sichtweisen, die Meditation unterstützen
  • Karma-Check
  • Kennelernen von verschiedenen Gastdozenten der Akademie oder von anderen führenden Persönlichkeiten der Meditations-Szene. 

4 x 2 days plus four days of retreat

1.700,00 € plus VAT.

accommodation and meals not included.

snacks und drinks for breaks are available for free.

Course Advanced Level

 to be defined 2020


Mountain Retreat

to be defined 2020

Die Berg Retreats beginnen Donnerstag um 10 Uhr, Anreise Mittwoch Abend, Ende Sonntag um 14:00 Uhr. Alle Termine finden in den Lechtaler Alpen in einer Hütte für Selbstversorger statt.

Kurspreis: auf Anfrage

Übernachtung und Essen: Pauschale auf Anfrage


City Retreat

to be defined in 2020 

Die City Retreats dauern einen halben Tag und finden in München statt.

Kurspreis: auf Anfrage

inclusive Pausensnacks

Our complete qualification program

Becoming a meditationtrainer  – supporting human development with meditation”

Meditation arrives more an more in the middle of our societies and many People wish to integrate meditation into their active lives. The program of the Timeless Impact Academy qualifies you step by step to become a meditation trainer of the  is a step by step training. It enables you to translate your personal skills in meditation into a business context und to offer a solid, flexible and high quality product in your own business field.

The qualification consits of three parts:


  • a one-year basic course, which enables you to meditate yourself and to make experiences in guiding others in mindfulness meditation 
  • an advanced level which gives you the time to deepen your own meditation through daily practice and by attending retreats This enables you to participate at the certification seminar.
  • a certification seminar, which results in obtaining the seal of a certified meditation trainer at the Timeless Impact Academy.

This qualification involves the competence and authenticity for guiding meditation

• within your own profession
• in organisations, public institutions or civil cervices, who are open for meditation. 
• in  verschiedenster Größen
• bei Konferenzen, Kongressen oder in ähnlichen großen Settings


Our training aims at people, who meditate regularly for a while already or are willing to do so. 

This is a fundamental prerequisite for being able to use meditation in a professional context authenticly. Of course it is necessary that our participants work in a professional context that is open for the application of meditation. Last but not least helps our training those who wish to further their competence and personality through the method of meditation.

Attitude and views underlining our work have a buddhist background. We are in continuous exchange
with Dr. Peter Malinowski, the founder of the Timeless Impact Academy. Dr. Peter Malinowski is „Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour at Liverpool John Moores University“. With him we ensure to have actual scientific informations. On top we work with views and methods from systemic and constructivistic perspectives (Luhmann, Fritz B. Simon), with family therapeutic aspects from Virginia Satir a.o., group dynamic concepts (Kurt Lewin) and theories from the context of learning organisations by Peter Senge.

The conception and performance of our trainings is based on our professional and personal life experience.